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Burn belly fat: 7 Easy and Effective Exercises to Burn Belly Fat

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Health Writer | Medical Researcher
belly fat

Fitness goes beyond appearance. Things like having your clothes fit, wearing bikinis, and flouting six-packs shouldn’t be the only reason you work out.

Key Points:

  • Belly fat is excess fat surrounding the internal organs and a significant part of the body.
  • There are two types of belly fat: subcutaneous fat and visceral fat. Visceral fat is associated with chronic illnesses like diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure.
  • Before you commence exercise to burn belly fat, lower your carbohydrate intake, start intermittent fasting, and eat moderate quality animal protein.
  • Easy and effective exercises to burn belly fat are walking, planks, jumping jacks, and climbing mountains.

Beyond looking good, you need to lose excess body fat because of your health as well.  

Belly fat is the most difficult fat to burn, and the belly is the most dangerous part of the body to store fat.

Belly fat doesn’t just make people look like expectant mothers and out of shape; it is also detrimental to our health. Belly fat increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

To achieve the desired shape and weight, you need to include exercise in your daily routine. When exercise is mentioned, most people’s minds go to the ‘gym’.

At this point, you might be saying, “No I can’t do it, I don’t have the time, or I can’t afford it”. But, hey, calm down and believe that you can do it. Luckily, there are a lot of simple but effective exercises you can do at home without necessarily going to the gym to burn belly fat.

What is belly fat?

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Credit: Canva

Belly fat is excess fat surrounding the internal organs and a significant part of the body. Belly fat gives a potbelly shape.

There are two types of belly fat – subcutaneous fat and visceral fat. Subcutaneous fat is the extra padding of tissue right beneath the skin. It is that layer of fat you touch when you pinch your stomach. Subcutaneous fat plays some roles in the body, such as:

●    It is a way that your body stores energy.

●    It serves as padding to protect your body from the impacts of falls and hits.

●    It functions as a passageway for nerves and blood vessels between the skin and muscle.

●    It helps to regulate the body temperature by serving as an insulator.

●    It serves as a special connective tissue that attaches the dermis to the muscles and bones.

Although the body needs healthy fat for the above reasons, too much of it in the belly can be bad for health.

Visceral fat is a dangerous type of belly fat that calls for concern. It is located deep within the abdominal cavity, where it fills the space between the abdominal cavity and the internal organs, intestines, and liver.

Visceral fat has been linked to serious health issues, such as: 

●    Heart disease

●    Type 2 diabetes

●    High blood pressure

●    Stroke

To burn belly fat and achieve that desired flat tummy, you need to get rid of both types of fat.

Easy and Effective Exercises to Burn Belly Fat Fast

One of the best ways to burn belly fat, aside from eating healthy, is by exercising. Figuring out the best exercise to burn belly fat can be frustrating, as spot reduction doesn’t work well, especially when it comes to getting rid of abdominal fat.

The best workouts you can perform to burn belly fat are those ones that will increase your heart rate, use many muscle groups in your body, and are very intense. Try to perform about 30 minutes of vigorous exercise at least four times a week. 

Here is a list of some of the easy-to-do exercises you can perform at your convenience —no gym, no equipment needed, only patience, and diligence. 

So, what are you waiting for? Get up from that couch, move, and sweat it out. It is time to get rid of that fat roll!

Before you begin the exercise to burn belly fat, you have to first switch your body to burn fat. Your primary fuel sources are sugar and fat. Adjust in such a way that your body runs on fat. Whether you burn fat or sugar depends on the hormone insulin.

If your insulin goes up, you will not burn fat; you will only burn sugar. If it goes down, then your body will burn fat.

There are fat calories, carbohydrate calories, and protein calories. Fat calories do not affect your insulin levels significantly; however, when you lower your carbohydrate calories, your body will burn fat fuel. While your body uses the fat as fuel, you develop a type of energy called ketones.

Ketones are the by-product of energy your body can use as fuel. Lower carbohydrates and eat less frequently (intermittent fasting) because in addition to carbs triggering high insulin, eating generally especially frequently in between meals will trigger insulin. When you start burning ketones, it usually takes about 2 days.

Insulin resistance is the root cause of fat deposits on the mid-section. Consistency in fat burning will get your body into a fat-adapted state; you can achieve this state in a month.

1.    Planks:

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Credit: Canva

This endurance exercise works on all muscle groups and is one of the best exercises to burn belly fat. 

How to perform a plank

●    Lie face down on your yoga mat (if you do not have one, it is fine), lift your body by supporting your body weight using only your forearms and toes 

●    With a relaxed neck and a straight back, slightly raise your hip to be in line with your back

●    Hold on to this position for 15 to 20 seconds before resting, do three sets of this exercise.

2.    Mountain climbing:

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Credit: Canva

This is also known as mountaineering. This moving plank exercise does not only engage your core muscle, but it is a full-body exercise that can burn belly fat. Just like plank exercise, this exercise works your core muscles and other muscles like your upper arms and your thigh muscles.

How to perform mountain climbers:

●    Get into a high-plank position with your hands directly under your shoulders. 

●    Tighten your core by drawing your belly button in toward your spine. 

●    Bend your right knee, move it toward your chest, and then bring it back to the plank position. Do the same with the left knee.

●     Continue to alternate the knees and increase your pace until it feels as if you are running in a plank position

Do this for at least 60 seconds.

READ Starting a New Exercise: Factors to Consider.

3.    Crunches:

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Credit: Canva

This is one exercise that is highly recommended because it easily and rapidly burns belly fat. They help to tone your abdominal muscles and, with time, strengthen your core, which makes it easier to perform other exercises that can tone and further slim your belly.

How to perform this exercise

●    Lie on your back 

●    With your knees bent and your hands behind your head, forming a “V” shape 

●    Gently curl your spine and lift your shoulders off the floor simultaneously. Slowly, return to the starting position.

●    Repeat this as many times as you can.

4.    Cycling:

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Credit: Canva

Bicycles will help activate the upper abdominal muscles, burn belly fat, and tone your thighs. And if you don’t have a bicycle, no problem.

How to perform ab bicycle exercise:

●    Lie on your back and keep your hands behind your head or at your sides

●    Lift both legs off the floor and bend them at the knees. Pull your right knee closer to your chest, stretch, and extend the left leg.

●     Alternate the leg by pulling in and bending the left knee and stretching out the right leg, keeping your left leg away. As you continue alternating the legs, the movements should correspond to the movement of a bicycle. 

5.     Walking, jogging or running:

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Credit: Canva

Performing a simple cardio exercise like walking, jogging, or running will increase your metabolism and heart rate. It will help you to burn belly fat and also your overall body fat. A brisk walk for at least an hour or two daily can help you burn some calories and stay fit. 

According to an article walking can help you burn 200 to 300 calories per hour, reduce your cortisol and adrenaline levels, improve insulin resistance.

Increase the number of steps you take in a day to 80,000 to 10,000 steps. You can achieve this number of steps by walking your dog, walking with a friend for motivation, an interest in nature (which activates the parasympathetic nervous system), which aids in stress reduction, and endeavour to walk after you eat.

6.    Jumping Jacks:

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Credit: Canva

Jumping jacks are just warm-up exercises that you need to perform to prepare your body for work out, but you can burn more calories, burn belly fat, and get fit doing jumping jacks. 

How To Do Jumping Jacks

●    Stand with your feet together, then position your hands down by your side.

●    Slightly bend your knees, jump up and raise your arms above your head, return to the starting position and repeat.

7.    Burpees

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Credit: Canva

You can burn belly fat for every minute you perform burpees. Burpees increase your heart rate and are great calorie-burning and weight loss exercises. It engages the core, arms, and leg muscles.

How to perform a burpee: 

●    Stand with your feet spread apart.

●    Lower your body into a squat position with your knees bent while keeping your torso straight. 

●    Place your hands on the mat or floor in front of you, in between your feet.

●    Move your body weight into your hands and kick your feet back into a basic plank position.

●    Then do a frog kick, returning to the squatting position.

●    Then jump up back to the starting position.

Repeat the above steps as many times as you can


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Credit: Canva

You must have gotten the point now – abdominal fat is not just unflattering, but belly fat equals health issues. So, you need a daily workout routine to burn belly fat, especially if you are obese in the central region. Do it not only for the sake of your physical appearance but also for your well being. Also if you are new to exercising, you can start gradually from these simple exercises and then increase your intensity.

How Telemedicine can help

The evolution of our body mechanisms is being unraveled continuously by science with the help of modern technology. The knowledge we have on diet, body type, personality, and healthy living is being updated constantly with new supporting information. Telemedicine is also part of the upgrade in the medical world, where individuals are able to consult healthcare professionals from a convenient place.

Seek the knowledge of effective exercises to burn belly fat from healthcare professionals through telemedicine from the comfort of your home or workplace. To burn belly fat, you will need more than easy and effective exercises; diet, mindfulness, healthy living, and harmonising your vital body parts are also equally important. Just click on the link and you will have profound experience with healthcare personnel.

Should you think to burn belly fat or weight concerns requires a higher professional advice, Consult a Doctor on KompleteCare today!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What exercise burns the most belly fat?

The finest exercises to burn belly fat are bicycle crunches, Russian twists, and planks. Your stomach will tone and tighten with the help of these exercises that focus on the core muscles. Establishing a regimen is crucial to reaching your fitness objectives. Remember to warm up first to get your body ready for the exercise.

2. How to lose tummy fat quickly?

Here are strategies to eat less, burn belly fat, and live a healthier life:

  • Instead of cutting fat, try cutting carbs. Higher-quality weight reduction was one of the low-carb diet’s additional benefits.
  • Think of a meal plan rather than a diet. Generally speaking, adopting a low-carb diet means consuming more high-fiber or high-protein meals like vegetables, legumes, and lean meats rather than items like bread, bagels, and sodas, which are rich in carbohydrates, sugar, and little fiber.
  • Exercise. Exercise appears to specifically target belly fat because it induces the liver to use up fatty acids, especially those close to visceral fat deposits, and lowers circulating levels of insulin, which would otherwise tell the body to hold on to fat.
  • Raise weights. Even a small amount of strength training combined with aerobic activity can help you gain lean muscle mass, which increases your daily caloric expenditure during exercise and at rest.
  • Learn to read labels. Examine and contrast different brands.
  • Steer clear of processed meals. It is frequently difficult to reduce weight due to the high content of trans fats, added sugar, and salt or sodium in packaged goods and snack meals.
  • Pay more attention to how your clothing fits than how big a scale says. Your jeans will fit better even when the number on your bathroom scale doesn’t change much as you gain muscle mass and reduce fat. That represents growth more effectively.
  • Spend time with friends who are health-conscious. Studies indicate that if your friends and family follow a healthy diet and exercise regimen, you’re more likely to do the same.

3. How can I reduce my tummy in 7 days?

Here are suggestions to burn belly fat in a week.

  • Make aerobic exercise a part of your everyday regimen. One of the best types of exercise to burn belly fat is cardiac training. Begin running, swimming, or other high-intensity aerobic exercises.
  • Minimize refined carbohydrates. Refined carbohydrates should be avoided if one wants to maintain good metabolic health and burn belly fat.
  • Include fatty fish in your diet. Salmon, sardines, and tuna are examples of fatty fish that are strong in omega-3 acids and a great source of protein.
  • Have a high-protein breakfast to start the day. Smoothies with protein, cereal, or scrambled eggs are great ways to start the day. You won’t experience hungry sensations until lunch if you eat proteins in the morning.
  • Make sure you’re getting enough water. It’s crucial for your general health to stay hydrated, even if you have no desire to reduce weight. It is advised to consume 4 to 5 liters of water daily, as this will increase calorie burning.
  • Cut back on the salt you consume. Salt consumption causes water retention and bloating in the abdomen.
  • Eat fiber that is solubilised. Soluble fibers, like proteins, provide you with sustained fullness, preventing you from consuming unnecessary excess calories during your meal.

4. How can I get a flat stomach fast?

The following methods could assist people to burn belly fat and get a flat stomach:

  • Include cardio in your exercise routine.
  • Consume additional fiber in your healthy eating plan.
  • Avoid processed carbohydrates as much as possible.
  • Boost your consumption of protein daily.
  • Perform your workouts while standing, not when seated.
  • Increase your resistance workout effectively.
  • Eat more (moderately) healthy fats and get more exercise.

5. What is the simple trick to burn belly fat?

Changing one’s lifestyle to include a balanced diet, frequent aerobic activity, and getting enough sleep is the best method to burn belly fat. Remember that the healthiest and most long-lasting strategy to lose weight and keep it off is to drop it gradually.


Dr Berg, E. (2024). The #1 exercise to lose belly fat (Easily).

Fletcher, J. (2023). 18 ways to get a flat stomach.

John Hopkins Medicine. (2024). 8 ways to lose belly fat and live a healthier life.

Okeke, G. O. (2024). Weight loss tips that help you lose weight.

The Silhouette Clinic. (2023). How to trim your waistline: Best exercises to lose belly fat.

The Jakarta Post. (2019). How to lose belly fat in seven days.

Medical Disclaimer: KompleteCare aims to improve the quality of life for everyone with fact-based content about the nature of diseases, preventive care, behavioral health conditions, treatment options and their related outcomes. We publish material that is researched, cited, edited and reviewed by licensed medical professionals. The information we provide is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It should not be used in place of the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider.

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Blessing Amaka

Ms. Blessing is a health writer and freelance researcher with special interest in healthcare and lifestyle improvements.

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