16 Natural Remedies for chest pain: Get rid of Angina naturally
9 mins,

Almost everyone has experienced chest pain, also called angina, once or a couple of times in their lifetime but not so many know the cause and quick ways to ameliorate the symptoms, let alone natural remedies for chest pain.
This article aims to provide helpful insights on this common problem and natural remedies to cure it, or minimize its tendency to lead to more serious conditions like cardiac arrest or heart disease.
Chest pain or ‘angina’ is a burning sensation caused when the heart muscle does not get as much blood as it needs as a result of insufficient oxygen supply, thereby putting the system at an increased risk of a heart attack.
Angina is usually signaled by discomfort in the center of your chest which then spreads to the arm. Depending on the duration and intensity of the chest pain, many sufferers fear a heart attack.
Chest pain remains one of the most common reasons people visit the emergency room (ER), resulting in over 8 million ER visits each year. Many people worry they’re experiencing a heart attack when they feel chest pain, but it can be caused by a number of common conditions that are not life-threatening such as muscle strain or injury, gastrointestinal or pulmonary (lung) conditions, and psychological reasons (e.g., anxiety).
The pain varies in its intensity, location, and duration. Depending on the cause of your chest pain, it may feel like a dull ache or a sharp, stabbing pain.
Stable Chest Pain: Stable angina or chest pain most often occurs with activity and emotional stress. Stable angina occurs when the heart is working harder than usual to maintain blood flow. Rest and medications can help manage this common type of angina.
Unstable Chest Pain: This condition arises when the heart does not get enough blood flow and oxygen. Unstable angina does not follow a pattern and may happen with or without physical exertion. This type does not go away with rest and is a sign that you may have a heart attack soon and require immediate medical attention.
Variant Chest Pain: This type of chest pain is caused by a spasm in the coronary arteries. The rarest type of this can happen when you are resting. Medications can help manage the condition.
Micro-vascular Chest Pain: This is caused by problems with the smallest arteries of the heart.
When people experience chest pain, they are never quite sure what caused it in the first place. Their minds begin to wonder to a number of things that might have led to the chest pain but they never know for sure. Below are some likely causes of chest pain:
1- Kneel down on the Bed Immediately: If you experience chest pain, without wasting time, kneel down on the bed. Make sure, your head is facing the ground and buttocks are up in the air. It helps you to pass out the gas automatically from your tummy.
2- Have Some Hot Fluids: Gas build-up in the stomach can be a cause of chest pain. In this case, drink warm water or beverage such as tea.
Hot liquid relieves the pain by throwing out the gas from your body. Sipping on anything hot – be it a glass of hot water or a refreshing cup of herbal tea – can help relieve chest pain that occurs due to bloating or indigestion.
3- Use a Cold Pack: You can apply a cold pack to your chest if the chest pain occurs due to strained muscles. Strenuous activities like exercises or blunt trauma can cause chest pain.
The application of cold pack can help to get rid of swelling and pain. It is very simple to make a cold pack. Take some ice cubes and wrap them in the cloth. Place the pack on your chest for 10-20 minutes. Do it twice or thrice in a day.
4- Drink Milk with Garlic: Major benefits of garlic include preventing cardiovascular disease and improving blood flow to the heart. Poor blood flow to the heart increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, and this, in turn, increases the chances of developing chest pain.
Hence, daily consumption of garlic is a great way to deal with chest pain. Add about 5-7 pieces of chopped garlic in a glass of milk. Boil the milk and drink it. Chewing the garlic pieces also helps in relieving chest pain. Do this 1 to 2 times daily.
5- Milk with Turmeric: Turmeric is a rich source of compound called curcumin that is widely used to reduce cholesterol oxidation, clot formation, and artery plaque build-up – all of which may lead to heart problems and chest pain.
Curcumin also has anti-inflammatory properties that help in reducing the intensity of chest pain. Take a cup of hot milk. Add half a teaspoon of turmeric powder in it. For flavor, you can add black pepper and honey to the mixture. You must drink this mixture once daily, before going to bed.
6- Use Aspirin: Aspirin has the power to minimize chest pain immediately. Take this tablet with water. This is the simplest remedy for instant relief.
7- Baking Soda: Chest pain relief is one of the numerous benefits of baking soda. Take a hot cup of water and add baking soda to it. It helps release acidity from your body, thus reducing chest pain.
8- Apple Cider Vinegar: Apple cider vinegar helps to improve digestion, thereby prevent gas build-up in the abdomen. Apple cider vinegar, with its powerful anti-inflammatory properties, helps treat heartburn and acid reflux, which are the common culprits behind chest pain. You can have 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar for fast relief. You must drink this solution preferably before meals or whenever you experience chest pain.
9- Get a Back Massage: Getting a back massage can help you with sudden chest pain. Lay on the bed with your face down. Then, ensure to get a strong massage on your upper back. This will not only reduce your chest pain but also other physical pains.
10- Aloe Vera Juice: Aloe vera is a miraculous plant that offers a wide range of health benefits. It can help strengthen your cardiovascular system, regulate good cholesterol, lower your triglyceride levels, and also reduce blood pressure. All of these help in relieving chest pain. You will need 1/4 cup of aloe vera juice. You must drink aloe vera juice 1-2 times daily.
11- Vitamins: Studies have found that deficiencies in vitamins D and B12 lead to chest pain and even heart attack. So, if you are suffering from chest pain, one of the first things you must address is your diet.
Ensure that you are following a healthy and balanced diet that contains foods rich in all the vitamins required for your body to function normally such as fish, cheese, egg yolk, cereals, soy products and meat. You may also opt for additional supplements of these vitamins after Consulting your Doctor.
12- Basil: Basil contains high levels of vitamin K and magnesium. While magnesium promotes blood flow to the heart and relaxes the blood vessels, vitamin K prevents the build-up of cholesterol in the walls of your blood vessels.
This helps in the treatment of cardiac disorders as well as chest pain. You Will Need 8-10 basil leaves to chew or drink basil tea. Do this once daily for effective results.
13- Cayenne Pepper: Cayenne pepper contains capsaicin which has strong anti-inflammatory properties that help lessen the intensity of pain in your chest.
It also helps in regulating blood flow to the heart, thereby preventing heart diseases that may also lead to chest pain. Mix 1 teaspoon of powdered cayenne pepper in a glass of any fruit juice and drink once daily.
14- Fenugreek Seeds: Fenugreek seeds exhibit powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that enhance cardiovascular health and prevent chest pain. They do so by promoting blood flow to the heart and reducing the cholesterol levels.
Soak a teaspoon of fenugreek seeds overnight and consume them the next morning. Alternatively, you can boil a teaspoon of fenugreek seeds in some water for 5 minutes and drink the mixture after straining. Do this 1 to 2 times daily.
15- Almonds: Almonds are rich sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which not only promote cardiac health but also help reduce cholesterol levels. This can help in the treatment of cardiovascular disease and chest pain.
What You Have To Do Daily:
16- Alkaline Foods: Alkaline foods can reduce inflammation in the body, thereby reducing the incidence of peptic ulcer, heart diseases, and cancer.
A few alkaline foods are fruits like apple, banana, blackberries, dates, oranges, and pineapple, and vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, mushroom, carrot, celery, mushrooms, pumpkin, and eggplants.
Once you have given the above remedies a shot, you can also follow these tips for relief.
Never take chest pain lightly. If it persists even after following the remedies and tips given here, Consult a Doctor for specialist attention and expert opinion.
Claire Essi is a health researcher and freelance health content creator. As a health and wellness junkie, she enjoys all things related to quality lifestyle and healthy living.
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