Is moi moi good for weight loss? 4 benefits of moi moi
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In this article, we discuss the compositions of moi moi, the Nigerian beloved dish, and throws light on what makes moi moi good for weight loss.
One method to satiate your hunger without going overboard with calories is to pile your plate high with high-quality proteins. Moi moi, being a high-quality protein dish, can be good for weight loss.
Moi moi is a mouth-watering treat, a delicious and healthy dish that has several health advantages. Moi moi, also known as steamed or boiled bean pudding, is prepared by a combination of washed and peeled beans and onions, fresh red peppers, spices, and frequently added fish, eggs, and/or crayfish.
It is a dish high in protein and a typical Nigerian dish. Moi moi is consumed as a snack on its own, as a meal with rice, or in combination with garri, ogi (pap), or oatmeal. This delicious dish is incredibly abundant in protein and other vital nutrients that are vital to our bodies. Moi moi is mostly among the dishes served at any Nigerian event or at any Nigerian eatery worldwide.
When poured into a mould before cooking, moi moi typically takes on the shape of a slanted pyramid, cylinder, cone, or any other shape of the container. After the paste that has been seasoned and garnished is poured into the folded leaves or banana leaves formed into a cone, it gives moi moi a pyramid shape. When empty cans are utilized, you will get a cylinder-shaped moi moi.
Moi moi is rich in fibre and protein. These two nutrients make moi moi good for weight loss. Moi moi is made from beans, and beans are a nutrient-dense, low-calorie food. In addition to helping the body repair its cells, proteins like beans control a satiety hormone, which in turn decreases hunger. Your body requires fewer calories if you have fewer food desires, which aids in weight loss.
Nearly every Nigerian home makes and consumes moi moi, which is prepared from beans. Compared to many other diets, beans have a higher energy-sustaining power and are a substantial source of protein. You can serve moi moi with fish, eggs, snails, and goat meat, among other nutritious meals, making moi moi good for weight loss.
Moi moi has always been a staple meal in most families in Nigeria and is usually prepared without added sugar. Researchers have linked this treat to numerous health advantages.
Moi moi, which is prepared with the outermost layer of the bean, has additional nutritious fibre, vital B vitamins, and antioxidants that prevent disease. Moi moi’s antioxidant qualities aid in the prevention of sickness and eliminate free radicals, which can lead to cancer. It can also aid in the prevention of liver and kidney problems.
Is moi moi good for weight loss? Some studies have highlighted that moi moi can aid with weight loss. It is said that including moi moi in your diet could help you lose weight if you have been having trouble losing weight. This is due to moi moi’s high protein content and complex carbohydrate content, which can readily fill you up and encourage you to eat less.
Not only is moi moi good for weight loss, moi moi also encourages frequent trips to the bathroom, which facilitates smooth bowel movements.
Its high fibre content is essential for enhancing the quality of stool and encouraging frequent trips to the bathroom. Beans’ high fibre content helps people feel less constipated. Additionally, getting enough fiber increases satiety, which makes moi moi good for weight loss.
Insulin regulation is a significant health advantage of moi moi. It has been shown that beans contain insulin, which is highly helpful for those with diabetes. The majority of moi moi is prepared following skin removal. However, when preparing your own moi moi, you might need to keep the skin on the beans in order to benefit from it.
When it seems like the proposal that moi moi gives healthful benefits, including weight loss, is debatable, you have nowhere to clear your doubts but from the healthcare professionals. Is moi moi good for weight loss? Can you include moi moi in your meal plans?
Click HERE to consult a certified doctor to obtain the right guidance on dishes that can help you with weight loss.
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Moi moi, also known as steamed or boiled bean pudding, is a staple meal in most families in Nigeria. It is prepared with a combination of washed and peeled beans and onions, fresh red peppers, spices, and frequently added fish, eggs, and/or crayfish. After the paste has been seasoned and garnished, it is poured into the folded leaves or banana leaves, clean empty cans that give moi moi a cone, pyramid, or cylinder-like shape when served.
Moi-moi is rich in fibre and protein, making moi moi good for weight loss. Moi moi also has healthy advantages like blood sugar regulation, easy bowel movement, and antioxidant qualities. These healthy properties found in moi moi make it a dish one should consider when on a weight loss journey. Is moi moi good for weight loss? Yes, moi moi is a delicious dish for weight loss and can be served alongside other high-quality foods like fish, meat, vegetables, and eggs.
Moi moi helps people lose weight.
This article shed light on the benefits of moi moi for weight loss and suggests that including moi moi in your diet could help those who have been finding it difficult to shed pounds. This is because moi moi is a great source of protein and complex carbs, which are known to easily fill you up and encourage you to eat less.
There are 457 calories in 1 serving of moi moi (2 cans for dinner). 35% of the macronutrients are carbohydrates, 56% are fats, and 9% are proteins. This provides high amounts of fibre (33%) and potassium (9% of your daily value), as well as protein (19% of your daily value). Considering the low caloric index shown above, that indicates moi moi is good for weight loss.
There are varieties of dishes you can eat with moi moi for weight loss. Moi moi is rich in fibre and protein, which are the two nutrients that are crucial for weight loss. That is because the beans from which moi moi is made are a nutrient-dense, low-calorie food. You can include foods like fish, eggs, and beef in your moi moi for weight loss. In addition to helping the body repair its cells, proteins like beans control satiety hormones, which in turn decrease hunger, which makes moi moi good for weight loss.
The moist, fluffy, and savory moi moi is perfect for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. This is a classic comfort food made simple, which makes moi moi good for weight loss.
Moi moi is the type of cuisine you can have any time of day, morning, noon, or night. Moi moi can be eaten by itself or in a mix of other quality foods; it is a delicious supper and one of the best low-calorie Nigerian dishes, making moi moi good for weight loss.
Moi moi is a healthy dish. Almost entirely protein-based and steam-cooked rather than fried or heavily oil-cooked, this dish is a super nutritious comfort food. Depending on the cook’s preferences, it may be meat-heavy, vegetarian, or fish-focused. It is rich with fibre making moi moi good for weight loss. The fibre in moi moi makes you feel fuller for a long time, reducing the need for a constant desire to eat food.
Moi moi is made with a combination of fresh red peppers, spices, washed and peeled beans and onions, and frequently fish, eggs, and/or crayfish. Moi moi is a staple protein-rich Nigerian dish; it is also known as a steamed or boiled bean pudding.
Moi moi is cooked for 40–45 minutes; you can cook moi moi in a pot or bake in the oven in aluminum foils, plantain leaves, or tin containers. Just make smaller amounts to cook them more quickly. Savor this delectable fluffy moi moi with custard, salad, pap, fish, rice, or garri.
Adejumobi. A. (2024). Low calorie Nigerian food for weight loss.
A.J. (2018). Moi Moi.
Nwagbaoso. O. (2020). Moi Moi a side order you should always add to your menu.
Osinkolu, L. (2022). How to make Moi moi.
Wikipedia. (2024). Moin Moin.
Catherine Umenze is a South Africa-based freelance health writer and researcher with an exemplary skill in content editing. Her passion lies in making complex health information easier to understand. Catherine's areas of expertise include psychology, fitness, nutrition and sexual health.
Some are more accurate than others. You can calculate your daily calorie needs manually or with the use of an online calculator. For the manual calculation, the average person can simply multiply his/her present body weight by 15 to gauge just how many calories is needed on a daily basis.
The general formula for calculating a calorie deficit is:
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