Why you Snore and How to Stop Snoring
11 mins,
Do you wonder on how to stop snoring? Over time, we get into that mild argument about who snores the loudest, and most often, there exists that one person who insists on never making a sound while asleep.
The act of breathing during sleep with a hoarse noise due to the vibration of the soft palate has become a common occurrence in our time. No wonder it’s no surprise that more people are seeking ways to stop snoring fast.
Wikipedia defines snoring as the vibration of respiratory structures and the resulting sounds due to obstructed air movement during breathing while sleeping.
Snoring sounds range from quiet vibrations to whistling, snorting, or rumbling sounds. According to the same source, while 45% of adults snore occasionally, 25% snore regularly. Habitual snoring occurs in 44% of males and 28% of females.
During sleep, the muscle of the upper airway relaxes and partially collapses. Snoring is caused by narrowed airways which worsen when asleep.
The vibration of different parts of the throat produces different types of sound during sleep causing snoring. This could be due to fat around your throat or neck causing obstruction sleep apnea. The obstruction of sleep apnea could also come from your abdomen due to visceral fat. The visceral fat puts pressure on your abdomen, extending up to your diaphragm, which in turn decreases the amount of oxygen you will have in your lungs.
A low soft palate reduces the size of your airway. The muscles on the back of the roof of the mouth, tongue and throat relaxes during sleep blocking the airway.
The soft palate and uvula then vibrates and knocks against the back of your throat causing the loud sounds during sleep. In cases of abnormalities, a deviated septum usually increases one’s chances of snoring.
Consuming too much of alcohol just before bedtime relaxes throat muscles and decreases your natural defences against airway obstruction.
When alcohol is taken before bedtime, relaxation of muscles makes respiration more forceful and difficult, leading to constant vibration and the production of snoring sound. The more the quantity of alcohol consumed, the more the muscles of the throat relax further.
Chronic nasal congestion from allergies or cold could narrow down the airway. These muscle problems block the airway and make the nose stuffy.
Breathing then becomes difficult and in most cases the mouth is used for breathing in place of the nose.
Not getting enough body rest or sleep may contribute hugely to snoring. Snoring sounds are loudest when the individual is tired and needs deep sleep.
Smoking causes terrible irritation to the membranes of the nose and throat which could result in narrowing down of the airway. So, if you are looking for ways to stop snoring fast, quitting smoking can do the magic.
Sleeping on the back causes collapse of one’s nasal airway. Lying on the back pushes the tongue and soft palate towards the back of the throat causing snoring. The base of your tongue and soft palate collapse to the back wall of your throat when you lie on your back, which produces a vibrating sound when you sleep. Having a side sleep could help avoid this.
An easy solution is a body pillow, which is a full-length pillow that supports your complete body. It helps significantly and allows you to continue sleeping on your side.
You can also avoid sleeping on your back by taping tennis balls to the back of your pajamas. Alternatively, you can lie down in bed with your head propped up and stretched, which will help clear your nasal passages and stop snoring. That said, this might hurt your neck.
Some cases of snoring are due to inherited traits in people with family history of snoring or obstructive sleep apnea.
Being obese or overweight can cause increments and fats in the area around the neck. This hot compresses the throat and narrows the airways causing snoring during sleep.
Some people benefit from losing weight, but not all do. Even thin people snore.
Losing weight might be helpful if you’ve gained weight and began snoring but didn’t before. Gaining weight around the neck narrows the throat’s interior diameter, increasing the likelihood that it will collapse as you sleep and cause snoring.
5 Easy Ways to Improve your Sleep Hygiene
Snoring, in itself, is not a medical condition but it could result in a few complications including;
Your nervous system (autonomic nervous system) controls the tone of the structure at the back of your throat. These nervous system includes phrenic nerve, autonomic nervous system, and cranial nerve (XI, X). When you are deficient in vitamin B1 (thiamine), you could have a problem with the autonomic nervous system that controls the tone of the structure at the back of your throat.
Another cause of this is that diabetics, pre-diabetics, or insulin resistance can cause depletion of vitamin B1. Diabetic individuals are always deficient in vitamin B1. A high-carbohydrate diet causes a deficiency of vitamin B1. It can be said that snoring is mostly caused by being overweight, having visceral fat around your abdomen, being diabetic or pre-diabetic, and having insulin resistance. However, there are individuals without these conditions, but they still snore.
Then you want to know how to stop snoring? Dr. Berg advised that in order to stop snoring, you will have to get vitamin B1 (thiamine) in your body.
Start a healthy keto diet with intermittent fasting. These two lifestyles will help reverse insulin resistance and the weight around your neck and abdomen.
Take vitamin D3. Vitamin D3 is very important in getting your body into a deeper theta wave of sleep, where you do not have to wake up often due to the obstruction of the airways by the soft tissue.
Different sounds produced at different frequencies caused by a number of factors including smoking, sleep deprivation, alcohol consumption, allergies, etc have become common in our time.
These sounds could be disturbing to you as an individual and to your sleeping partner as well as whomever you may share a room with. But it is no death sentence. Maintaining a healthy weight, getting enough sleep, sleeping on your side, surgical procedures are available treatment options when you are seeking on how to stop snoring. Sometimes, all you need to do is Consult a Doctor to determine what works best for you and how to stop snoring.
There is nothing worse than disrupting quality sleep and that of your spouse all night long. Consult a healthcare professional on how to stop snoring through telemedicine. Telemedicine uses telecommunication devices to communicate with individuals seeking medical advice.
Telemedicine gives you access to any healthcare professional, irrespective of your location. It reduces the amount of time or money you can spend visiting physical office. It gives you flexibility with the modalities it has adopted; you can reach out to a healthcare professional from the comfort of your home or your work office.
1. How can I permanently stop snoring naturally?
Lifestyle choices are the natural ways in figuring out on how to stop snoring:
2. What to drink to stop snoring?
if you want to know how to stop snoring, try honey. Honey in addition to its anti-inflammatory qualities, it covers the throat to lessen the vibrations caused by snoring. After supper or right before bed, try a cup of hot water with a teaspoon of honey added, or try a cup of chamomile or ginger tea.
3. How do I stop snoring 100%?
Home remedies on how to stop snoring:
4. What to eat to stop snoring?
Foods you can try with you are on a quest to find out how to stop snoring are:
5. Does anything actually stop snoring?
Looking up on how to stop snoring? Snoring can be minimized or completely stopped for many people by sleeping on their side, using a mouthpiece, or donning a nasal strip. Additionally beneficial are mouth exercises, weight loss, and stopping smoking, and abstaining from alcohol.
6. Why do I snore so loudly?
Knowing why snoring occur or how it happens will make you find ways on to how to stop snoring. Your throat’s tissues have the ability to relax to the point where they vibrate and partially obstruct your airway. The force of the airflow increases with airway narrowing. This makes your snoring louder by increasing tissue vibration.
7. Is there a permanent cure for snoring?
If you snore due to a physical issue, you might require surgery to fix it. Surgical alternatives consist of the following: A minimally invasive treatment called a somnoplasty is used to remove soft tissue in the back of the throat or upper airway. However, before you have a surgery, try getting under the root cause of snoring and other there are many ways on how to stop snoring.
Baptist Health. (2019). The best ways to stop snoring.
Dr. Berg. (2019). What is snoring & how to get your spouse to stop snoring?
Mayo Clinic. (2024). Snoring.
The better sleep council. (2021). At-home remedies for snoring.
WedMD. (2022). Sleep disorder and snoring treatment.
Nurse Ezinne is passionate writer whose goal is to help individuals take charge of their health and wellbeing.
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